By degrees we find we’re all departing..., by Rupert Moreton By degrees we find we’re all departing /
For the same serene and silent land. /
And perhaps when soon that course I’m charting /
Some possession...
Even now, little by little, we are departing..., by Anton Yakovlev Even now, little by little, we are departing /
For that land of silence and grace. /
Pretty soon I too may have to pack /
My measly belongings.
Gradually we are now departing..., by Peter Tempest Gradually we are now departing /
For the land of peace, the blest abode. /
Maybe soon I too shall need to gather /
My frail goods and chattels f...
Now little by little we depart..., by Geoffrey Thurley Now little by little we depart /
For that far land of peace and grace. /
And I perhaps must soon collect /
My perishable chattels and set out.
One by one we all are now departing..., by U. R. Bowie One by one we all are now departing /
For realms where silence and beatitude abide. /
And I as well, perhaps, will soon be starting /
To pack my...
We`ll depart this world for ever, surely..., by Alec Vagapov We'll depart this world for ever, surely, /
To repose in peace and quite. Oh, my Lord! /
Maybe, I shall also have to duly /
Pack my things prepa...
in german
Sergei Jessenin (deutsch)
Es ist Zeit, die Freunde gehen sachte..., Ernst Lustig Es ist Zeit, die Freunde gehen sachte /
in das Land voll ewigem Genuss. /
Es kann sein, dass ich auch meine Sachen /
bald für diese Reise packe...
Zeit zu gehen, Margit Bluhm Nun ist’s Zeit zu gehen, still und leise, /
in das Land, wo Ruh‘ und Harmonie, /
Vielleicht rüst‘ auch ich mich für die Reise, /
und mit Sack un...
in spanish
Serguéi Yesenin (español)
Ahora nos vamos poco a poco..., Jorge Bustamante García Ahora nos vamos poco a poco /
A un mundo de ventura y sosiego. /
Tal vez deba preparar mi equipaje /
Para tener un aire pasajero.
¡Amados bosq...
Ahora, poco a poco, ya nos vamos..., Pablo Anadón Ahora, poco a poco, ya nos vamos /
Hacia el país en donde hay calma y dicha. /
Pronto, tal vez, tenga que recoger /
También yo, para el viaje, m...
Ya nos vamos marchando poco a poco..., desconocido autor Ya nos vamos marchando poco a poco /
a un mundo de ventura y silencio. /
Habrá que preparar las valijas /
para tener un aire pasajero.
in italian
Sergej Esenin (italiano)
Noi adesso ce ne andiamo a poco a poco..., Angelo Maria Ripellino Noi adesso ce ne andiamo a poco a poco /
verso il paese dov’è gioia e quiete. /
Forse, ben presto anch’io dovrò raccogliere /
le mie spoglie mor...