A monument I`ve raised not built with hands..., by Avril Pyman Exegi monumentum
A monument I've raised not built with hands, /
And common folk shall keep the path well trodden /
To where it unsubdued and towe...
Exegi Monumentum, by A. Z. Foreman We heard him say, "I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands." /
-Mark 14:58...
Exegi Monumentum , by Babette Deutsch I have erected a monument to myself /
Not built by hands; the track of it, though trodden /
By the people, shall not become overgrown, /
And ...
Exegi monumentum, by Boris Leyvi A monument, unforged, I for myself erected. /
A common path to it will not be ever lost, /
And its unheedful head reigns higher than respected, / ...
Exegi monumentum, by Anatoly Berlin Not made by human hand my pillar-like creation, /
The people’s path thereto will never disappear, /
Like Alexander’s post that rises over nations ...
Exegi Monumentum, by Dylan M. Thomas I have erected a monument to myself /
Not built by hands; the track of it, though trodden /
By the people, shall not become overgrown, /
And it ...
Exegi Monumentum, by Yuri Menis My self-made monument I’ve not by hand created; /
The people’s path to it won’t be by weeds besieged. /
My statue’s wayward head is proudly elev...
Monument, by Cecil Maurice Bowra I’ve built my monument, but not with hands I made it; /
Where the crowds flock to it, no grass shall ever grow. /
With an unruly head it soars, an...
My Monument, by Ivan Panin A monument not hand-made I have for me erected; /
The path to it well-trodden will not overgrow; /
Risen higher has it with unbending head /
Exegi monumentum, Rolf-Dietrich Keil Ein Denkmal schuf ich mir, kein menschenhanderzeugtes, /
Des Volkes Pfad zu ihm wird nie verwachsen sein, /
Und höher ragt sein Haupt empor, sein ...
in french
Alexandre Pouchkine (français)
Mon monument, André Piot J’érige un monument qui n’est pas de main d’homme. /
L’herbe n’obstruera pas au peuple son sentier. /
Son fier fronton ira plus haut que la colonn...
in bulgarian
Александър Пушкин (български)
Exegi monumentum, Красимир Георгиев Аз паметник си изградих неръкотворен, /
народни пътища към него бдят без брой, /
с глава високо вдигната и непокорна /
Александрийски стълб е то...
Въздигнах си аз паметник..., Петър Велчев Exegi monumentum1
Въздигнах си аз паметник неръкотворен, /
и за народа той навеки ще е скъп, /
и по-висок е днес ликът му непокорен /
in italian
Aleksandr Puškin (italiano)
Exegi monumentum, Paolo Statuti Mi sono eretto un monumento non di opera umana, /
Non s’infesterà il sentiero che ad esso avvicina, /
Con la testa indocile s’è innalzato più alto...
Mi sono un monumento eretto non di mano umana..., Tommaso Landolfi Mi sono un monumento eretto non di mano umana, /
ad esso il popolare sentiero non andrà perduto, /
s’è levato più alto colla superba fronte /
in turkish
Aleksandr Puşkin (türkçe)
Bir Anıt Diktim, Seçme Şiirler Exegi monumentum1
Öyle bir anıt diktim ki kendime, /
Yapılamaz insan eliyle. /
Yığınla insan da birikmeyecek önünde. /
Uysal başı anıtımın, /
in portuguese
Alexandre Pushkin (português)
Exegu monumentum, José Casado Horácio (livro III, ode XXX)
Um momento ergui a mim, obra extra-humana. /
Sua vereda o mato não há de ocultar. /
Eleva-se bem mais sua cúpula ufa...
in hungarian
Alekszandr Puskin (magyar)
Exegi monumentum, Dsida Jenő Emléket állítottam szürke üszkén /
az életnek, mely lassan elkopott: /
egekbe szökken s felülmúlja büszkén /
a híres Sándor-oszlopot.
in finnish
Aleksandr Puškin (suomi)
Exegi monumentum, Erkki Peuranen Loin itselleni muistomerkin aineettoman. /
Sen luokse kansan tie ei nurmetu. /
Se ylös nostaa huipun kapinoivan. /
Ei sinne kolossitkaan ulotu.
Muistomerkki, Ilpo Tiihonen Exegi monumentum
Tein itselleni monumentin, aineettoman, /
ei umpeen kasva kansan polku patsaan luo, /
se yli Aleksanterinkin pylvään /