An Elegy, by unknown author The senseless years' extinguished mirth and laughter /
Oppress me like some hazy morning-after. /
But sadness of days past, as alcohol — /
The m...
Elegy, by D. Smirnov-Sadovsky The vanished joy of my crazy years /
Is as heavy as gloomy hang-over. /
But, like wine, the sorrow of past days /
Is stronger with time. /
Elegy, by Evgenia Sarkisyants Of madness years the faded joy and laughter /
Weigh gravely like a hazy morning after. /
And yet the sorrows of the finished page, /
Like fancy...
Elegy, by Andrey Kneller From the elation of the years that faded, /
As though from drinking, I feel wearied, jaded. /
But still, the sorrow of lost years — like wine, /
Elegy, by Yevgeny Bonver Extinguished gaiety of years, which sunk in madness, /
Presses on me like a hangover restless. /
But in my soul, foregoing pine /
Becomes throug...
Elegy, by Hon. M. Baring As leaden as the aftermath of wine /
Is the dead mirth of my delirious days; /
And as wine waxes strong with age, so weighs /
More heavily the p...
Elegy, by Babette Deutsch The mirth, now dead, that once was madly bubbling, /
Like fumes of last night's cups, is vaguely troubling; /
Not so the griefs that to those year...
Elegy, by Vyacheslav Chistyakov Passed joy of the crazy years in mind to bear /
Is hard for me alike to dream a nightmare. /
But like a wine the grief of bygone days /
Becomes ...
Elegy, by Yuri Menis The frantic years of romps and burned-out laughter /
Are hard on me like aches the morning after. /
But like the wine that always takes its toll, ...
Elegy, by Alec Vagapov The reckless years of faded joy and laughter /
Are hard on me like a disturbing morning after. /
The pain of bygone days, however, just like wine ...
in french
Alexandre Pouchkine (français)
Élégie, Cyrilla Falk Les vains plaisirs de ma folle jeunesse /
Me pèsent comme un lendemain d’ivresse, /
Tandis que le chagrin des jours enfuis /
Devient plus fort c...
Élégie, André Markowicz La bruyante folie de ma jeunesse /
Me pèse comme un lendemain d’ivresse. /
Et comme fait le vin, plus le remords /
Vieillit au fond du cœur, plu...
Élégie, Louis Martinez La défunte gaieté des années de folie /
me pèse au cœur comme un vin mal cuvé. /
Mais, tel le vin, les chagrins d’autrefois /
en vieillissant so...
Élégie, Christiane Pighetti La défunte gaieté d’années insensées /
pèse sur moi comme un vin mal cuvé. /
Mais comme le vin, la tristesse de jours passés /
croît en mon âme ...
in spanish
Aleksandr Púshkin (español)
Elegía, Víctor Gallego Ballestero De los años alocados la extinta alegría /
tanto me pesa como el torpor de la resaca. /
Pero como un vino, la pena de los días idos /
acrecienta ...
in portuguese
Alexandre Pushkin (português)
Elegia, José Casado Dos anos loucos a alegria extinta, /
Ressaca vaga, faz que eu mal me sinta. /
Mas, como o vinho, é o remorso meu /
Que mais forte ficou, se enve...
in finnish
Aleksandr Puškin (suomi)
Elegia, Ilpo Tiihonen Ne villit vuodet sammuneet, ja saa /
se rieha kantaa rankkaa krapulaa. /
Ja niin kuin viini, menneet päivätkin /
lyö vanhetessaan päähän vahvemm...