Arion, by Irina Zheleznova We many were who filled the boat: /
Some held the sails aloft and flying, /
Some plied the oars, and thus, defuing, /
The wayward winds, kept us...
Arion, by unknown author We sailed in numerous company. /
A few of us drew fast the sheeting, /
The rest with mighty oar were beating /
The brine; while, calm on slum...
Arion, by unknown author We were a crowd inside the boat /
Some of us trimmed the sails, /
While others gamely plunged /
The mighty oars into the deep. While in the calm...
Arion, by Yevgeny Bonver A lot of us were on the bark: /
Some framed a sail for windy weather, /
The others strongly and together /
Moved oars. In silence sunk, /
Arion, by Babette Deutsch We numbered many in the ship, /
Some spread the sails, some pulled, together, /
The mighty oars; 'twas placid weather. /
The rudder in his stead...
Arion, by Yuri Menis We were quite many in the boat; /
Some strained the sail to keep it flying; /
Some stubbornly continued prying /
The depth with mighty oars. Afl...
in german
Alexander Puschkin (deutsch)
Arion, Friedrich Fiedler Voll Menschen war der leichte Kahn. /
Derweil die straff das Segel zogen, /
Zerteilten jene scharf die Wogen; /
Stumm lenkte durch die Wasserbah...
in portuguese
Alexandre Pushkin (português)
Árion, Boris Schnaiderman, Nelson Ascher Muitos singrávamos: havia /
quem retesasse a vela e quem /
remasse enérgico também. /
Calado em meio à calmaria, /
o hábil piloto estava à fre...
in finnish
Aleksandr Puškin (suomi)
Arion, Ilpo Tiihonen Niin monta meitä sillä purrella; /
sai toiset työkseen purjeet kiristää /
ja toiset painaa airot syvimpään. /
Ja vaiti siinä hiljaisuudessa /