The Lost Streetcar, by Vladimir Markov and Merrill Sparks I was walking along the street as a stranger /
And suddenly heard the cawing of crows. /
The playing of lutes and distant thunder... /
Before me...
The Lost Tram, by unknown author I was walking an obscure route /
And abruptly I heard caws of crows, /
A distant thunder and a tinkling lute: /
A rushing tram was really close....
The Lost Tram, by Burton Raffel and Alla Burago A strange street, then crows /
croaking, then the sound of a lute /
and thunder crawling slow /
from a distance — then a tram at my feet
And I ...
The Lost Tram, by Boris Dralyuk I was walking down an unfamiliar street, /
and suddenly I heard the caws of crows, /
and distant thunder, and a ringing lute: /
a tram flew by, ...
The Lost Tram, by Robert Crick I was walking an unfamiliar track, /
Suddenly startled by the cawing of crows, /
The strings of a lute and a loud thunderclap. /
Then a tram in ...
The Stray Tram, by Don Mager The street I walked was unfamiliar, /
Suddenly I heard crows caw, /
And a lute clink, and distant thunder, — /
In front of me a tram flew.
How ...
The Streetcar Gone Astray, by Carl R. Proffer I was walking along an unfamiliar street, /
And suddenly heard a cawing of crows, /
And resonant lutes, and distant rumbling, /
— Before me a st...
The Streetcar That Lost Its Way, by Denis Johnson and Kathy Lewis While walking down a strange street /
I suddenly heard the cawing of crows, /
Distant thunder, and the tones of a lute — /
Here came a streetcar...
The Tram that Lost its Way, by Harry Willetts I was walking down an unfamiliar street, when I suddenly heard crows croaking, the sound of a lute, and distant peals of thunder — a tram was flying p...
The tram that lost its way, by Yakov Hornstein The street was strange. Things made me wonder: /
The sudden croaking of crows in the sky, /
Then sounds of lutes, and distant thunder — /
And th...
The Tram that Lost Its Way, by Roger Pulvers I was walking on a strange and unfamiliar street /
When a crow cawed out of the blue. /
I heard the strains of a lute and distant thunder. /
A t...
in german
Nikolai Gumiljow (deutsch)
Der verirrte Trambahnwagen, Wolfgang Lange In fremde Straßenfluchten verschlagen, /
Vernahm ich auf einmal ein Rabengekrächz. /
Es klingelt schrill. Und ein Trambahnwagen /
Flog rasch vor...
Die verirrte Straßenbahn, Irmgard Wille Eine fremde Straße bin ich gegangen, /
als plötzlich Rabenkrächzen begann /
und ferner Donner und Lauten erklangen: /
Es flog vor mir her eine S...
in french
Nikolaï Goumilev (français)
Le Tramway égaré, Georges Nivat Je marchais dans une rue inconnue, /
Quand j'entendis un corbeau croasser. /
Un luth jouait, il tonnait dans la nue. /
Je vis passer en volant u...
in spanish
Nikolai Gumiliov (español)
El tranvía extraviado, Xenia Dyakonova, José Mateo Para mí aquel barrio era desconocido, /
de repente oí los graznidos de un grajo, /
notas de un laúd, ¿o un lejano rugido?: /
volaba un tranvía p...
in bulgarian
Николай Гумильов (български)
Заблуденият трамвай, Бойко Ламбовски Вървях по улица непозната, /
и изведнъж — и грак, и лай, /
и гръм, и лютни от небесата — /
пред мен летеше със звън трамвай.
Как на платформата...
Заблукалий трамвай, Максим Стріха Я по вулиці йшов незнайомій /
І раптом почув воронячий грай, /
І дзвони лютні, й далекі громи, — /
Просто на мене летів трамвай.
Як скочив я на...
Йшов я по вулиці незнайомій..., Евгения Чуприна Йшов я по вулиці незнайомій /
І раптом почувся гав'ячий грай, /
І дзвони лютні, й дальні громи — /
Переді мною летів трамвай.
Як скочив я на йо...
in new norwegian
Nikolaj Gumiljov (nynorsk)
Trikken som fór vill, Jo Eggen Eg gikk ein dag på ei ukjend gate /
og plutselig hørte eg ramneskrik /
luttklang, eit torevêr, før du veit av det /
for auga mine flaug det ein ...
in hungarian
Nyikolaj Gumiljov (magyar)
Eltévedt villamos, István Baka Bandukolva ismeretlen utcán, /
Varjúkárogást hallottam én, /
S lanthúr pengett, mennydörgés csapott rám, /
Villamos rohant-röpült felém.
in dutch
Nikolaj Goemiljov (nederlands)
De verdwaalde tram, Arie Van Der Ent Liep ik te kuieren, zomaar een ommetje, /
hoorde ik mij toch een krassende stem, /
klanken van luitspel en dondergerommel, /
vlak voor me heen v...
in czech
Nikolaj Gumiljov (čeština)
Zbloudila tramway, Marie Marčanová Neznámá ulice — kráčel jsem po ní, /
náhle jsem uslyšel krákání vran, /
vzdálený hrom i loutnové tóny, /
letěla tramway — neznámo kam.
Jak jsem...
in lithuanian
Nikolajus Gumiliovas (lietuvių)
Paklydęs tramvajus, Gintaras Patackas Ejau as gatvemis neregetom /
Ir isgirdau, kaip skamba liutnia, /
Kaip krankia varnos, griausmas atrieda, — /
Tramvajus leke pries mane.
Kaip an...
in serbian
Николај Гумиљов (српски)
Залутали трамвај, Томислав Шиовац Шетах улицом непознатом /
Кад зачух напрасан врањи грај /
И звуке леута и громова затом, — /
Испред мене пројури трамвај.
Како доскочих ја на њ...