I am not Byron — yet I am..., by Martha Gilbert Dickinson Bianchi I am not Byron — yet I am /
One fore-elected, yet one more /
Unknown, world-hunted wanderer, /
A Russian in my mood and mind.
Scant from my see...
It’s useless. It is not my role..., by Rupert Moreton It’s useless. It is not my role /
To be another great Lord Byron, /
Like him I’m slave to straying’s siren, /
And yet I have a Russian soul. /
I`m not Byron, I`ve got another mind..., by A. Sirotin I'm not Byron, I've got another mind, /
Outcast by people, alone, /
I lost my roots and family and home, /
I've got my soul of a Russian kind. /...
No, I`m not Byron..., by Alan Myers No, I'm not Byron, its my role /
To be an undiscovered wonder, /
Like him, a persecuted wand'rer, /
But furnished with a Russian soul. /
I sta...
No, I`m not Byron; I am, yet..., by Yevgeny Bonver No, I'm not Byron; I am, yet, /
Another choice for the sacred dole, /
Like him — a persecuted soul, /
But only of the Russian set. /
I early s...
No, I’m not Byron, I’m unknown..., by Boris Dralyuk No, I’m not Byron, I’m unknown; /
I am, like him, a chosen one, /
an exile hounded by this world — /
only I bear a Russian soul. /
An early st...
in german
Michail Lermontow (deutsch)
Nein, Byron bin ich wirklich nicht..., Vera Jahnke Nein, Byron bin ich wirklich nicht, /
Ein andrer unbekannt Erwählter, /
Wie er, fremd, von der Welt Gequälter, /
Wenn auch das Herz auf Russisch...
in french
Mikhaïl Lermontov (français)
Je suis un autre que Byron..., Marina Tsvetaïeva Je suis un autre que Byron, /
Nouveau sur cette terre ronde. /
Comme Byron haï du monde /
Mais Russe jusqu’à mon tréfonds.
in portuguese
Mikhail Lérmontov (português)
Não, não sou Byron, sou outro, aquele..., Pedro Augusto Pinto Não, não sou Byron, sou outro, aquele /
Ainda desconhecido eleito, /
Pelo mundo caçado, qual ele, /
Com alma russa, apenas, e peito. /
Fui mai...
in galician
Mikhaíl Lérmontov (galego)
Non, eu non son Byron, son outro..., Lourenzo Maroño, Elena Sherevera Non, eu non son Byron, son outro, /
O elixido aínda non coñecido, /
Coma el, peregrino polo mundo perseguido, /
Mais emporiso de alma rusa. /