Sixth sense, by Vladimir Markov and Merrill Sparks O beautiful the wine in love with us! /
The good bread in the oven — for us baking! /
And that woman, who gave torment and fuss. /
Whom now we c...
Sixth Sense, by Douglas Messerli Fine the wine that loves us, /
Good bread baked for our sakes /
And the women who torment and tease /
Yet please us and in the end let us take t...
Sixth Sense, by A. S. Kline Wholly in love with our wine; /
The goodness of bread from the oven; /
The woman, who’s granted to us /
After long-torment; we take our pleasure...
The Sixth Sense, by Robert Chandler Good is the wine that is in love with us, /
and good is bread, our generous friend; /
and good the woman who brings us torment /
yet yields her ...
The Sixth Sense, by Yevgeny Bonver Fine is the wine that is in love with us, /
The goodly bread we wait for from the oven, /
And woman whom we have possessed, at last, /
After we'...
The Sixth Sense, by Alexander Shaumyan How pleased we are by the entrancing wine /
And by the bread that’s waiting in the oven, /
And by the woman who can pacify /
Our agonies in t...
The Sixth Sense, by Burton Raffel and Alla Burago Fine is the wine that loves us, /
and the bread baked for our sake, /
and the woman who lies and loves us /
when she’s finished her tweaking gam...
The Sixth Sense, by Natasha Gotskaya It's priceless — wine, that falls in love with us, /
And bread, that sits for us in oven, — priceless treasure, /
And priceless is a woman that, a...
The sixth sense, by Vladimir Gurvich Be blessed the finest wine that 's loving us, /
And the good bread that goes for us to a roaster, /
And the hot woman that will first harass /
The sixth sense, by Christina Devulite There is a beauty in your wine's dark stream, /
In wholesome bread that's rising in the oven, /
A woman that you see in anguished dreams /
And j...
The Sixth Sense, by Harry Willetts Fine is the wine that is in love with us, and the goodly bread that goes into the oven for our sake, and the woman whom we enjoy, after she has tormen...
The Sixth sense, by Yakov Hornstein Good is the wine that is in love with us, /
And good the bread, our faithful food and friend; /
And good the woman who would torture us, /
Yet g...
in german
Nikolai Gumiljow (deutsch)
Der sechste Sinn, Irmgard Wille Schön ist der Wein der Liebe, der uns tränkt, /
und gutes Brot im Ofen, uns zum Leben; /
schön ist die Frau, durch die es uns geschenkt, /
nach ...
in spanish
Nikolai Gumiliov (español)
El sexto sentido, Jorge Bustamante García Maravilloso tener vino enamorado, /
Y pan amoroso en el horno para nosotros, /
Y una mujer, extenuada, a quien /
Le ha sido dado deleitarnos.
in italian
Nikolaj Gumilëv (italiano)
Il sesto senso, Paolo Statuti Amiamo il vino che beviamo /
E il buon pane che nel forno aspetta, /
E la donna dalla sorte data, /
Che pur se affligge, poi ci diletta.
Ma che...
Шосте відчуття, Володимир Ляшкевич Прекрасне в нас закохане вино, /
і хліб, що в піч для нас йде знов родитись, /
і жінка — та, якою нам дано, /
сповна відмучившись, насолодитись....
Шосте чуття, Наталія Горішна Смакують нам: і келихи вина, /
І скибка хліба, що для нас печеться, /
І юна жінка, що, немов весна, /
Коханню цілковито віддається.
Та що робит...
Шосте чуття, Максим Стріха Прекрасне в нас закохане вино /
І добрий хліб із доброї господи, /
І жінка, від якої нам дано /
Зазнати муки й потім насолоди.
Та що робить з о...
in esperanto
Nikolaj Gumilov (esperanto)
La sesa senso, Nikolao Gudskov Belegas vino, kiu amas nin, /
en forno bakiĝanta bona pano, /
kaj ankaŭ turmentanta nin virin', /
donanta, tamen, poste ĝuan amon.
Sed kion far...
in hungarian
Nyikolaj Gumiljov (magyar)
Hatodik érzék, István Baka Jók a belénk szerelmes óborok, /
Jó a kenyér, mely értünk száll a tûzbe, /
S az asszony, aki kínul adatott, /
S hogy kínunkat gyönyörrel messze ...
in polish
Nikołaj Gumilow (polski)
Szósty zmysł, Wspaniałe wino zakochane w nas /
I dobry chleb, co dla nas w piecu siada /
I ta kobieta, która dłuższy czas /
Nas zwodzi, teraz życie nam osładz...
in vietnamese
Nikolay Gumilyov (tiếng việt)
Giác quan thứ sáu, Nguyễn Văn Nhàn Rượu tình yêu trong ta thật tuyệt vời /
Bánh mì cho ta tự vào lò nướng /
Và người phụ nữ mà trời ban tặng /
Lúc trước khổ đau, giờ đến ngọt bùi....
in lithuanian
Nikolajus Gumiliovas (lietuvių)
Šeštasis jausmas, Gintaras Patackas Meilusis vynas mumyse puikus /
Ir duona, kuri krosnyje garuoja, /
Ir moteris, kurią, visus sunkius /
Išbandymus atlaikę, mes myluojam.
Bet ką g...
in arabic
غوميليوف نيكولاي (العربية)
الحــاسة الســـادسة, إبراهيم استنبولي رائع لدينا الخمر الذي نحب /
والخبز الطيب لأجلنا يصنع في الفرنْ، /
والمرأة، التي خُلقت، /
بعد عناء، كي نهنأ نحنْ. /
ماذا نفعل نع الفجر الورديّ ...