Two suns are cooling down..., by Andrey Kneller Two suns are cooling down, — God, I protest! — /
One — in the sky, the other — in my chest.
How these two suns — could my conscience forget? — /
Two suns are cooling — oh, Lord, mercy!.., by Rolf W. F. Gross Two suns are cooling — oh, Lord, mercy! — /
One - in the sky, the other - in my chest.
How did this sun, — do you forgive yourself? — /
How did t...
Two suns cool down..., by Maya Jouravel Two suns cool down — God Almighty, put it to rest! — /
One — in the skies, the other — inside my chest.
Two of these suns have — can I forgive myse...
Two suns grow cool — Oh Lord, give rest!.., by A. S. Kline Two suns grow cool — Oh Lord, give rest! /
One — in the sky, one — in my breast.
How those two suns — can conscience free me? — /
How those two s...
in german
Marina Zwetajewa (deutsch)
Die zwei Sonnen erkalten..., Ekaterina Overbeck Die zwei Sonnen erkalten — kannst du, o Gott, dich erbarmen! /
Eine im Himmel, bei mir in der Brust die andere. /
Und wie diese Sonnen — verz...