Here, in my Moscow – cupolas gleaming!.., by A. S. Kline Here, in my Moscow – cupolas gleaming! /
Here, in my Moscow – great bells ringing! /
And the tombs here, facing, /
Of Tsarinas, and the Tsars.
Here, in my Moscow..., by Andrey Kneller Here, in my Moscow, — cupolas shine.1 /
Here, in my Moscow, — church bells chime. /
And the tombstones, here, all stand aligned,2 /
Tsarinas sle...
Poems for Blok. 5. At home in Moscow..., by Elaine Feinstein 5
At home in Moscow — where the domes are burning, /
at home in Moscow — in the sound of bells, /
where I live the tombs — in their rows are stan...
Poems to Blok. 5. In my home in Moscow cupolas glow..., by Denise Levertov 5
In my home in Moscow cupolas glow, /
in my home in Moscow bells clang, /
tombs stand in my home in rows, /
queens sleep there, and kings.
Poems to Blok. 5. In my Moscow — domes glow!.., by Rolf W. F. Gross 5.
In my Moscow — domes glow! /
In my Moscow — bells chime! /
And the tombs are aligned, /
Where Tsarinas sleep, and Tsars.
And you do not kno...
in german
Marina Zwetajewa (deutsch)
Bei mir in Moskau brennen die Kuppeln!.., Ekaterina Overbeck Bei mir in Moskau brennen die Kuppeln! /
Bei mir in Moskau läuten die Glocken! /
Und die Grabmale stehen bei mir in den Reihen, — /
Dort Zarinne...
in italian
Marina Cvetaeva (italiano)
Da me a Mosca — le cupole ardono..., Pietro Antonio Zveteremich Da me a Mosca — le cupole ardono, /
da me a Mosca — le campane suonano, /
e sepolcri in fila ci sono da me, /
e zarine dormono in essi e zar.
in hungarian
Marina Cvetajeva (magyar)
Az én Moszkvámban kupolák ragyognak..., István Baka Az én Moszkvámban kupolák ragyognak, /
az én Moszkvámban harangok bonganak, /
az én Moszkvámban sírok sorakoznak, /
bennük sok cár és cárnő álmo...