Freshness of words, simplicity of emotions..., by Donald Michael Thomas Freshness of words, simplicity of emotions, /
If we lost these, would it not be as though /
Blindness had stricken Fra Angelico, /
Or an actor l...
To lose the freshness of the words and sense, for us..., by Ilya Shambat To lose the freshness of the words and sense, for us, /
Is it same as for an artist to lose vision, /
Or for an actor — voice and motion, /
Or f...
Words’ ease and freshness — is it less..., by Andrey Kneller Words’ ease and freshness — is it less /
For us than for an artist — vision, /
For actors — voice and hand precision, /
For beauties — beauty an...
in german
Anna Achmatowa (deutsch)
Sind frische Worte, einfaches Gefühl..., Eric Boerner Sind frische Worte, einfaches Gefühl /
Für uns nicht das, was für den Maler — Sehen, /
Dem Schauspieler — die Stimme und Bewegung, /
Der schönen...
in italian
Anna Achmatova (italiano)
Per noi, Gene Immediato Per noi /
perdere la freschezza delle parole /
e il moto puro dei sentimenti /
è ciò che rende l'arte al pittore /
o la voce e il gesto per l'...