The Golden Grove, by Peter Tempest The grove of golden trees has fallen silent, /
Shorn of its gay leaves, in mute silhouette, /
And so the cranes in sad file past it flying /
The Golden Grove, by Alec Vagapov The golden birch-tree grove has fallen silent /
Its merry chatter having stopped afore, /
The cranes up there flying over, sullen, /
Have nob...
The golden grove is no longer laughing..., by Vladimir Gurvich The golden grove is no longer laughing /
And all birch trees stay silent, gray, and sad, /
And flying by, the cranes care of nothing; /
The Rowan Tree Fire, by Geoffrey Thurley The golden grove has whispered its last /
Happy birchen syllables: all’s said. /
And now the mournful cranes fly past, /
No longer lamenting the...
in german
Sergei Jessenin (deutsch)
Der goldne Wald, Maxim Cicilanov Der goldne Wald ist lange schon verblüht /
Mit bunten Birkenblättern auf der Erd'. /
Und Kraniche, die traurig vorbeifliegen, /
Bedauern jetzt n...
Der gold‘ne Wald hat aufgehört zu klingen..., Linda Der gold‘ne Wald hat aufgehört zu klingen /
In seinem frohen birkenhellen Ton. /
Ein Kranichzug mit trauerschweren Schwingen /
Zieht mitleidlos ...
in spanish
Serguéi Yesenin (español)
La arboleda dorada de abedules..., Pablo Anadón La arboleda dorada de abedules /
Ha acallado el fervor de su lenguaje /
Y las grullas en vuelo gemebundo /
A nadie tienen ya para apiadarse.
in italian
Sergej Esenin (italiano)
Ha smesso di parlare il boschetto dorato..., Angelo Maria Ripellino Ha smesso di parlare il boschetto dorato /
con la gaia lingua delle betulle /
e le gru, volando tristemente, /
ormai non rimpiangono nessuno.
in turkish
Sergey Yesenin (türkçe)
Sustu, giden bir yaprak dökümüyle..., Azer Yaran Sustu, giden bir yaprak dökümüyle, /
Şen, kayın dilli altın bir orman, /
Ve acı duymuyorlar artık kimseye /
Turnalar da, uçuşlarında gam.
Acı n...