In War, by Martha Gilbert Dickinson Bianchi Hearing the terrors of the war, sore troubled, /
By each new victim of the combat torn — /
Nor friend, nor wife I give my utmost pity, /
Nor do ...
Mothers, by Eugene Mark Kayden When war’s wild blast affrights the land, /
With each fresh prey by combat torn, /
My heart bleeds not for wife, or friend, /
Nor doth the falle...
When learning of the tolls of war..., by Alexander Givental When learning of the tolls of war, /
Of yet another battle victim, /
'Tis not his wife, nor comrades, nor /
The very hero whom I pity... /
in german
Nikolai Nekrassow (deutsch)
Des Krieges Schrecken lausche ich..., Vera Jahnke Des Krieges Schrecken lausche ich, /
Sind neue Opfer zu vermelden, /
Was kümmert Freund, was Frau denn mich, /
Was kümmern mich sogar die Helden...
in french
Nikolaï Nekrassov (français)
Les seules larmes, G. Charpentier, E. Fasquelle Lorsqu’aux champs de combat, pour les rois sans remords /
Gisent, sanglants, les corps qu’étreint la mort jalouse, /
Je ne plains pas l’ami, je ne...