Farewell forever, unwashed Russia..., by Robert Chandler and Guy Daniels Farewell forever, unwashed Russia! /
O land of slaves, of masters cruel! /
And you, blue-uniformed oppressors! /
And you, meek nation whom they ...
Farewell! — unwashed, indigent Russia..., by Alexander Givental Farewell! — unwashed, indigent Russia, /
The land of slaves, the state of lords, /
And you, its navy-coated marshals, /
And you, their dedicate...
Farewell, dirty, unwashed Russia..., by Alex Cigale Farewell, dirty, unwashed Russia, /
Country of masters, land of slaves, /
And you, you sky-blue uniforms, /
And you, people by them betrayed.
Farewell, farewell, great unwashed Russia..., by Philip Nikolayev Farewell, farewell, great unwashed Russia, /
All lords and slaves who are our nation, /
And you, blue-uniformed oppression, /
And you, conforma...
Farewell, farewell, unwashed Russia..., by D. Smirnov-Sadovsky Farewell, farewell, unwashed Russia, /
The land of slaves, the land of lords, /
And you, blue uniforms of gendarmes, /
And you, obedient to t...
Forever you, the unwashed Russia..., by Yevgeny Bonver Forever you, the unwashed Russia! /
The land of slaves, the land of lords: /
And you, the blue-uniformed ushers, /
And people who worship them a...
in german
Michail Lermontow (deutsch)
Leb wohl, du ungewaschen Rußland..., Uwe Grüning Leb wohl, du ungewaschen Rußland, /
du Land der Sklaven, Land der Herrn, /
ihr himmelblauen Uniformen, /
auch du Volk, dienst do doch zu gern.
Leb, ungewaschnes Russland, wohl..., Eric Boerner Leb, ungewaschnes Russland, wohl, /
Du Land der Sklaven, Land der Herrn, /
Der Uniformen Blau, und's Volk, /
Das unterwürfig ist so gern.
Mich ...
Lebwohl, du liederliches Russland..., Vera Jahnke Lebwohl, du liederliches Russland, /
Du Land der Sklaven, Land der Herr'n, /
Auch ihr, ihr blauen Uniformen, /
Du Volk, das unterwirft sich gern...
in french
Mikhaïl Lermontov (français)
Adieu, pays mangé des puces!.., Marina Tsvetaïeva Adieu, pays mangé des puces! /
Pays de serfs, pays de grands! /
Adieu, gendarmes bleu de Prusse, /
Adieu, esclaves-paysans!
Peut-être que ces m...
Adieu, Russie, patrie pouilleuse..., André Markowicz Adieu, Russie, patrie pouilleuse, /
Pays des maîtres et des serfs, /
Des policiers à tête creuse /
Et du bon peuple qui les sert. /
Au Ca...