Boris Pasternak
Winter night

It snowed... it snowed throughout the world,
Its every path and way.
A candle on the table burned,
A candle burned away.

Like gnats that in the summer fly
Attracted to a flame,
The snowflakes from the yard nearby
Flew in toward the pane.

Across the glass, the blizzard firmed
Its rings and darts all day.
The candle on the table burned,
The candle burned away.

Upon the ceiling in that calm,
Reflections gently waved;
The crossings of their legs, their arms,
The crossings of their fate.

Two little shoes dropped down abreast
And landed with a tap,
And wax like tears dripped on the dress
Right off the candle lamp.

In snowy darkness things were blurred;
All things were white and gray.
The candle on the table burned,
The candle burned away.

The candle caught a breath of wind;
Temptation flared across
And like an angel spread its wings
To signify a cross.

All February snow had whirled;
But just as some light may,
The candle on the table burned,
The candle burned away.

Translated by Yuri Menis

Борис Пастернак
Зимняя ночь

Мело, мело по всей земле
Во все пределы.
Свеча горела на столе,
Свеча горела.

Как летом роем мошкара
Летит на пламя,
Слетались хлопья со двора
К оконной раме.

Метель лепила на стекле
Кружки и стрелы.
Свеча горела на столе,
Свеча горела.

На озаренный потолок
Ложились тени,
Скрещенья рук, скрещенья ног,
Судьбы скрещенья.

И падали два башмачка
Со стуком на пол,
И воск слезами с ночника
На платье капал.

И все терялось в снежной мгле
Седой и белой.
Свеча горела на столе,
Свеча горела.

На свечку дуло из угла,
И жар соблазна
Вздымал, как ангел, два крыла

Мело весь месяц в феврале,
И то и дело
Свеча горела на столе,
Свеча горела.

Стихотворение Бориса Пастернака «Зимняя ночь» на английском.
(Boris Pasternak in english).