For Alexander Blok, by A. S. Kline I came to the poet as a guest. /
Exactly at noon. On Sunday. /
Beyond the window, frost, /
Quiet in the room’s space.
And a raspberry tinted su...
I came to him as a guest..., by Donald Michael Thomas For Alexander Blok /
I came to him as a guest. /
Precisely at noon. Sunday. /
In the large room there was quiet, /
And beyond the window...
To Alexander Blok, by Eric Gillan I came to see the poet. /
Right at noon. On Sunday. /
Behind the window panes /
Of airy, spacious rooms
Deep frost and crimson sun /
Hang ove...
To Alexander Blok, by Andrey Kneller I went in to see the poet. /
Noon exactly. On a Sunday. /
The spacious room is quiet. /
But outside, there’s bitter frost
And the raspberry-col...
To Alexander Blok, by Rose Styron I have come to call on the poet. /
It is Sunday, exactly midday. /
The wide room is filled with quiet /
and through the casements now I see
a p...
in german
Anna Achmatowa (deutsch)
Für Alexander Blok, Eric Boerner Ich besuchte diesen Dichter /
Gegen Mittag. Es war Sonntag. /
Leise war's im großen Zimmer, /
Vor den Fenstern stand der Frost.
Dort, die himbe...
in french
Anna Akhmatova (français)
Pour Alexandre Blok, Jean-Louis Backès Je suis venue voir le poète. /
Il est juste midi. C’est dimanche. /
La pièce est grande et calme. /
Dehors il gèle.
Un soleil de framboise /
in spanish
Anna Ajmátova (español)
A Alexander Blok, Jorge Bustamante García Llegué a visitar al poeta /
Exactamente al mediodía, un domingo. /
En el cuarto espacioso reinaba el silencio /
Afuera, en la calle, hacía frío....