The road by the seaside garden darkens..., by A. S. Kline The road by the seaside garden darkens, /
The lights are a fresh yellow. /
I’m at peace; but please, don’t talk /
To me about him. /
You’re ki...
The road is black by the beach..., by Donald Michael Thomas The road is black by the beach —
Garden. Lamps yellow and fresh.
I’m very calm.
I’d rather not talk about him.
I’ve a lot of feelings for you. ...
The road of the seaside garden turns dark..., by Andrey Kneller The road of the seaside garden turns dark, /
The streetlamps are yellow and prim. /
And I’m very calm. But don’t you remark /
And talk to me of ...
Yellow and fresh are the lanterns..., by Ilya Shambat Yellow and fresh are the lanterns, /
Black is the road of the garden at sea. /
I am very calm. Only please, do not /
Talk about him with me. /
in italian
Anna Achmatova (italiano)
Il viale della marina è fosco..., Gene Immediato Il viale della marina è fosco, /
gialli e puri sono i fanali. /
Sto tranquilla. Solo bisogna /
che non oda parole di lui. /
Mi sei caro e fede...
in swedish
Anna Achmatova (svenska)
Svart ligger havsträdgårdsvägen..., Bengt Jangfeldt, Björn Julén Svart ligger havsträdgårdsvägen. /
De gula lyktorna lyser svalt. /
Jag är mycket lugn. Men helst /
vill jag slippa tala om honom.
Trofaste, kär...