You and Thou, by Alec Vagapov She used the hearty thou, by chance, /
Instead of you, so stiff and formal, /
Arousing happy dreams at once /
Inside my loving heart and soul. /...
Thou and you, by Rupert Moreton The empty you with heartfelt thou – /
That slip she made, so accidental – /
And all my happy dreams were now /
Bestirred by soul’s love fundamen...
Thou and You, by Yuri Menis A casual slip — and she replaced /
The vacant “you” with “thou” endearing, /
Thus all glad dreams that I have chased /
To hopes of love quite fi...
Tu and Vous, by Randi Anderson A cordial tu for empty vous /
Slipped out instead when she addressed me, /
And just this one misspoken you /
Roused all my soul’s enraptured fan...
in german
Alexander Puschkin (deutsch)
Du und Sie, Johan Evers Das leere Sie mit warmes Du /
Verwechselte sie im Versehen, /
Und ließen Träume all im Nu /
Von dem Liebesglück auferstehen. /
Vor Ihr versonn...
in spanish
Aleksandr Púshkin (español)
En tú y en usted, Kseniya Tokareva El vacío usted por el tierno tú /
Sustituyó, se le escapó de la lengua, /
Y las felices fantasías /
Excitó en el alma enamorada. /
Delante de ...
Tú y Usted, José Luis Gómez Serrano Vacío usted por afectuoso tú /
Ella cambió en un lapsus, /
Y todos los sueños felices /
En mi alma enamorada excitó. /
De pie frente a ella, p...
in croatian
Aleksandar Puškin (hrvatski)
Ti i Vi, Fikret Cacan Ne prazno Vi — srdačno Ti /
otelo joj se zabunjenoj, /
i sve mi sretne snove s tim /
prenu u duši zaljubljenoj. /
Pred njom ja zamišljeno stoj...
in portuguese
Alexandre Pushkin (português)
O Tu e o Vós, José Casado Ela o vós neutro, sem querer, /
Trocou no tu afetuoso; /
Fez-me de ventura nascer /
Sonhos no espírito amoroso. /
Demoro, pensativo, ali: /