A song about a dog, by Merrill Sparks and Vladimir Markov It was morning, and in the rye-bin, /
Where the rows of gold mats were spread, /
A dog littered seven puppies, /
Seven puppies, brownish-red.
Dog Song, by Tamara Vardomskaya As dawn gilded the burlap row /
Of bags in the old grain shed, /
A bitch there birthed a litter in snow: /
Seven pups with fur all red.
Till ni...
Song about a dog, by Peter Tempest In the barn corner early one morning, /
Where rush matting covers bare earth, /
А bitch to a litter of seven /
Small reddish-brown puppies gave ...
The Bitch, by Daniel Weissbort In the morning the bitch whelped /
Seven reddish-brown puppies, /
In the rye barn where a row /
Of bast mats gleamed like gold. /
Licking thei...
in german
Sergei Jessenin (deutsch)
Das Lied von der Hündin, Eric Boerner Im Heuschober morgens verborgen, /
Wo Bastmatten golden sich reihn, /
Hat sechs rote Junge geworfen /
Die Hündin, sechs Welpen, ganz klein.
in italian
Sergej Esenin (italiano)
Canzone canina, Renato Poggioli In una stalla di campagna, /
sopra le stuoie, all'aurora, /
ha partorito una cagna /
sette piccoli cuccioli d''oro.
Fino a tardi li ha carezzat...
in croatian
Sergej Jesenjin (hrvatski)
Pjesma o kuji, Gustav Krklec Jutros je kuja pri stali, /
gdje rogoz se zlati pod gredom, /
ostenila sedmero mladih, /
ridjih stenadi redom.
I jezikom, sve do tmine, /