The bread is poisoned and the air is drunk..., by Nikita Korsakov The bread is poisoned and the air is drunk. /
How difficult treat the injuries trunk. /
Joseph who was sold into Egypt with his belief /
The bread is poisoned and the air’s drunk dry..., by Bernard Meares The bread is poisoned and the air’s drunk dry, /
How difficult to doctor wounds! /
Joseph sold into Egypt /
Could not have grieved so much for h...
The bread’s poisoned and the air’s drunk up..., by Joan Aleshire The bread’s poisoned and the air’s drunk up. /
How hard it is to treat wounds; /
Joseph sold into Egypt /
couldn’t have suffered more!
Under a ...
in italian
Osip Mandel`štam (italiano)
È avvelenato il pane, bevuto l’ultimo sorso d’aria..., Serena Vitale È avvelenato il pane, bevuto l’ultimo sorso d’aria. /
Com’è difficile curare le ferite! /
Giuseppe venduto in Egitto /
non dovette soffrire nost...