Has this century been worse..., by Judith Hemschemeyer Has this century been worse /
Than the ages that went before? /
Perhaps in this, that in a daze of grief and anguish /
It touched, but could not...
Is this century really worse than those before?.., by A. S. Kline Is this century really worse than those before? /
Perhaps, in that dazed by fear and grief, /
It touched a blackest sore /
It could not heal.
Why is our century worse than any other?.., by Donald Michael Thomas Why is our century worse than any other? /
Is it that in the stupor of fear and grief /
It has plunged its fingers in the blackest ulcer, /
Yet ...
Why is this century worse than those others?.., by Yevgeny Bonver Why is this century worse than those others? /
Maybe, because, in sadness and alarm, /
It only touched the blackest of the ulcers, /
But couldn'...
in spanish
Anna Ajmátova (español)
En qué es peor que sus precedentes este siglo?.., Ester Rabasco Macías ¿En qué es peor que sus precedentes este siglo? /
¿Acaso porque, en las tinieblas de angustias y penas, /
a pesar de llegar a tocar su llaga más n...
En qué este siglo ha sido peor que los anteriores?.., María Fernanda Palacios ¿En qué este siglo ha sido peor que los anteriores? /
Quizá en que un tufo de aflicción y de ansiedad /
rozó la llaga más negra /
pero no pudo c...
in turkish
Anna Ahmatova (türkçe)
Bu yüzyılın nesi var daha öncekilerden kötü?.., Güneş Acar Bu yüzyılın nesi var daha öncekilerden kötü? /
Bunaltının ve hüznün dumanından /
Yaraların en derinine şöyle bir dokunup geçti mi /
Sağaltmayı b...