Blues on the rendez-vous that didn’t occur, by Alyona Stasyukenene I questioned Fortune, but in vain: /
It gave no sign to me. /
I close my eyes once more again /
For tears economy.
I’m losing my complexion by ...
My neck is shaded by the beads..., by Yevgeny Bonver My neck is shaded by the beads, /
In the wide muff, hands void of cold, /
Absent eyes look under eyelids — /
They’ll never weep over the old.
Round my neck a rosary of fine beads..., by Daniel Weissbort Round my neck a rosary of fine beads, /
I plunge my arms up to the elbow /
In a muff, my eyes distractedly /
Stare at a world I no longer weep o...
in portuguese
Anna Akhmátova (português)
Cançoneta, Lauro Machado Coelho Um colarzinho de contas no pescoço, /
as mãos sumindo num amplo regalo. /
Os olhos passeiam em torno distraídos /
e já não têm mais com que chor...
in lithuanian
Ana Achmatova (lietuvių)
Verlibras, Aliona Stasiukėnienė “Meilė — kaip seilė” — sako kiti. /
Aš klausinėju Likimo. /
Taip arba ne. /
Nebeklausinėsiu. /
Ir nebeverksiu. /
Mano veido spalva ke...