I will quietly in the churchyard..., by Ilya Shambat I will quietly in the churchyard /
Sleep on plywood in the sun, /
On the Sunday, guest to mother /
You will come, my dear one — /
Through the ...
In the churchyard, I’ll sleep soundly..., by Andrey Kneller In the churchyard, I’ll sleep soundly /
Underneath the slab of oak, /
And my darling, you will run to me /
For a Sunday morning talk — /
The churchyard’s quiet on a Sunday..., by Donald Michael Thomas The churchyard’s quiet on a Sunday, /
Under an oak board I shall rest. /
Come to me, my dearest, running, /
Come to your mama, like a guest. /
in italian
Anna Achmatova (italiano)
Riposerò tranquilla..., Gene Immediato Riposerò tranquilla /
sotto un'asse di quercia nel camposanto. /
Tu, caro, la domenica andrai a visitare /
la mamma, passando di corsa il fiume ...