To the Poet, by Andrey Kneller Poet, though people praise you, don’t feel proud. /
A minute later, people’s praise can disappear. /
Hearing the verdict of a fool and laughing cr...
To the poet, by Babette Deutsch Poet, be deaf to popular acclaim; /
The tumult of ecstatic praise will die; /
The crowd's chill laughter and the dullard's blame /
Thou with aus...
To the Poet, by Rupert Moreton O poet! Chase not after foolish adulation. /
For soon to pass is flattering moment’s fawning praise; /
You’ll hear the laughing crowd and foolish ...
To the Poet, by Yuri Menis None of the people’s love, o poet, hanker after! /
The fleeting noise of adulation will have passed; /
You’ll hear judgement from buffoons and cro...
in german
Alexander Puschkin (deutsch)
An den Poeten, Vera Jahnke Poet! Der Menschen Liebe schätze nicht. /
Sekundenschnell verhallt des Lobes Glück; /
Kühl hör das Lachen, was der Narr auch spricht, /
Bleib du...
in spanish
Aleksandr Púshkin (español)
Al poeta, José Luis Gómez Serrano ¡Poeta! No aprecies el amor de la gente. /
El elogio entusiasmado transcurre en ruido momentáneo; /
Escucha el tribunal de los tontos y la risa de...
in portuguese
Alexandre Pushkin (português)
A um poeta, José Casado Não estimes, poeta, o amor da turbamulta. /
Passará o eco do exaltado louvor; /
Ouve o rir da alma fria e a máxima de estulta, /
Mas permanece f...