Anchar, by Yevgeny Bonver In desert, withered and burned, /
On ground that is dry and sultry, /
Anchar, alone in the world, /
Stands like an awful, silent sentry.
The na...
Anchar, by Lyudmila Purgina In a barren desert, the scanty land, /
On a ground, burned by sun to total, /
Anchar, as one of the safeguards stand /
Alone in this endless wor...
The Upas Tree, by Katharena Eiermann Deep in the desert's misery, /
far in the fury of the sand, /
there stands the awesome Upas Tree /
lone watchman of a lifeless land.
The wilder...
The upas tree, by Babette Deutsch In the niggard, sickly desert, /
Where the earth is baked to stone, /
Stands the upas, a stern sentry, /
In the universe alone.
On a day of wra...
The Upas Tree, by A. Z. Foreman On scorched and conflagrated sands, /
In sapped and grudging desolation, /
The solitary Upas stands /
Grim sentinel of all creation.
This thing...
in french
Alexandre Pouchkine (français)
Antschar, André Piot Du sol brûlé, chauffé à blanc, /
En un désert stérile, aride, /
Antschar se dresse, menaçant, /
Tout seul, garde d’un monde vide.
La nature le ...
L’Antchar, Prosper Mérimée Dans un désert avare et stérile, /
Sur un sol calciné par le soleil, /
L’antchar, tel une vedette menaçante, /
Se dresse unique dans la création...
L’Antchar, Catulle Mendès Au désert calciné, sur le sol qui se ride /
En rêches ornières de char, /
Ainsi qu’une vigie effrayante, l’Antchar, /
Seul, se dresse en l’azur ...
in croatian
Aleksandar Puškin (hrvatski)
Ančar (otrovno drvo), Fikret Cacan U škrtoj pustinji gdje jara /
užarila je njezin stanac, /
sam Ančar stoji, na stražara /
nalik je svemirski taj samac.
Priroda one stepe vrele ...
in portuguese
Alexandre Pushkin (português)
O Antchar, Boris Schnaiderman, Nelson Ascher It is a poison-tree that pierced to the inmost /
Weeps only tears of poison. /
Coleridge /
No solo em brasa do lugar /
mais desolado, sec...