Oh, save me God from going mad..., by Alec Vagapov Oh, save me God from going mad, /
It 's better just to die instead, /
No! I would rather drudge, /
Or starve, or waste whole life in vain, /...
Take not away my wits, O God!.., by Cecil Maurice Bowra Take not away my wits, O God! /
Better the beggar’s scrip and rod, /
To toil and not to eat! /
It is not that I hold my mind /
Of much acc...
in french
Alexandre Pouchkine (français)
Tout mais ne pas devenir fou..., André Markowicz Tout mais ne pas devenir fou. /
Plutôt errer, plutôt les loups, /
Les coups, la faim, le froid; /
Non que je tienne à ma raison: /