Sergey Esenin
The cow

Teeth she has none, she's decrepit,
Rumpled horns her age betray.
Hard blows the boor of а herdsman
Dealt her when she went astray.

Noise she dislikes, cannot stand it.
Cowshed-mice busily gnaw.
Sadly she thinks of the handsome
White-legged calf that she bore.

They took the son from his mother,
Her very first joy brought no ease,
And on а pole by the poplar
А fresh hide flapped in the breeze.

Soon in the field bare of buckwheat
She'll share her own son's fate,
They'll put her neck in а halter
And for the slaughter-house make.

She'll drop on her knees feebly, grieving,
Butting the earth to the last...
Of а white birch-grove she's dreaming
And of knee-deep meadow grass.

Translated by Peter Tempest

Сергей Есенин

Дряхлая, выпали зубы,
Свиток годов на рогах.
Бил ее выгонщик грубый
На перегонных полях.

Сердце не ласково к шуму,
Мыши скребут в уголке.
Думает грустную думу
О белоногом телке.

Не дали матери сына,
Первая радость не прок.
И на колу под осиной
Шкуру трепал ветерок.

Скоро на гречневом свее,
С той же сыновней судьбой,
Свяжут ей петлю на шее
И поведут на убой.

Жалобно, грустно и тоще
В землю вопьются рога…
Снится ей белая роща
И травяные луга.

Стихотворение Сергея Есенина «Корова» на английском.
(Sergey Esenin in english).