Cleared the cornfield, bare the boughs are..., by Peter Tempest Cleared the cornfield, bare the boughs are, /
From still waters mist is rolling, /
Like а wheel beyond the mountains /
Has the silent sun gone b...
Mist climbs from the lake..., by Robert Chandler Mist climbs from the lake. /
Fields bare after harvest. /
Beyond blue hills /
the sun rolls to its rest.
Splintered, deep in ruts, /
the wear...
Reaped Fields, by John Cobley Reaped cornfields, bare woods, /
Mist and damp from the waters. /
Like a wheel, the silent moon /
Rolls down behind the blue hills. /
in german
Sergei Jessenin (deutsch)
Haine nackt, gemähte Felder..., Eric Boerner Haine nackt, gemähte Felder, /
Wasserlauf bringt Nebelwolken. /
Als ein Rad die stille Sonne /
Hinter blaue Berge rollte.
Weg hat's Träumen ang...