Osip Mandelshtam
More delicate than delicacy...

More delicate than delicacy
Your face,
Whiter than purity
Your hand;
Living as distantly
From the world as you can
And everything about you
As it must be.

It must all be like this:
Your sorrow
And your touch
Never cooling,
And the quiet catch
Of not complaining
In the things you say,
And your eyes
Looking far away.

Translated by Robert Tracy
(Osip Mandelstam`s Stone. Princeton University Press. 1981)

Осип Мандельштам
Нежнее нежного...

Нежнее нежного
Лицо твое,
Белее белого
Твоя рука,
От мира целого
Ты далека,
И все твое —
От неизбежного.

От неизбежного —
Твоя печаль
И пальцы рук
И тихий звук
И даль
Твоих очей.

Стихотворение Осипа Мандельштама «Нежнее нежного...» на английском.
(Osip Mandelshtam in english).