To Mayakovsky, by Peter Oram Beyond the chimneys and steeples, /
baptized by smoke and flame, /
stamping-footed archangel, /
down the decades I call your name!
Rock-steady ...
To Mayakovsky, by Rose Styron Louder than crosses and trumpets, /
long christened by fire and grime, /
Archangel, your clumsy footsteps /
resound on the quay of time.
To Mayakovsky, by Ilya Shambat Above crosses and pipes, /
Baptized in fire and smoke, /
The heavy-footed archangel — /
Eternal Vladimir, hello!
He's the rider and he's the ho...
To Mayakovsky, by Elaine Feinstein High above cross and trumpet /
baptised in smoke and fire /
my clumsy-footed angel — /
Hello there, Vladimir!
Carter and horse at once /
in portuguese
Marina Tzvietáeiva (português)
A Vladímir Maiakóvski, Haroldo de Campos Acima das cruzes e dos topos, /
Arcanjo sólido, passo firme. /
Batizado a fumaça e a fogo — /
Salve, pelos séculos, Vladímir!
Ele é dois: a lei...