The music of the soul is ever fainter..., by Gerald S. Smith The music of the soul is ever fainter, /
the music of the attack is ever more resonant. /
But don’t hasten (to comment) on that: /
so as not to ...
The music of the soul is flat..., by Alec Vagapov The music of the soul is flat, /
the music of attack is loud; /
but make no haste about that, /
you may be wrong in making out /
that music of...
in german
Bulat Okudschawa (deutsch)
Das Herz wird stumm, hat leisen Klang..., Elena Yudina Das Herz wird stumm, hat leisen Klang, /
Und immer lauter wird Kampfmusik. /
Doch eile nicht und wart` solang, /
Es ist ein dunkler Augenblick, ...