Oh, one will take a direct path..., by Rupert Moreton Oh, one will take a direct path, /
Another will meander /
And hanker for his father’s hearth /
Where once he met philander. /
But trouble foll...
One goes in straightforward ways..., by Yevgeny Bonver One goes in straightforward ways, /
One in a circle roams: /
Waits for a girl of his gone days, /
Or for returning home.
But I do go — and woe ...
One man follows a straight path..., by Daniel Weissbort One man follows a straight path, /
Another goes round and round — /
Expect to return to his former love, /
And to his father's house. /
While ...
in spanish
Anna Ajmátova (español)
Unos van por un sendero recto..., Jorge Bustamante García Unos van por un sendero recto, /
Otros caminan en círculo, /
Afloran el regreso a la casa paterna /
Y esperan a la amiga de otros tiempos. /