In Memory of M. A. Bulgakov, by Rupert Moreton In place of burial roses, this is what I bring, /
No less instead of censers’ fragrance; /
Your life was lived severely, and in everything /
In memory of Mikhail Bulgakov, by Donald Michael Thomas This, not graveyard roses, is my gift; /
And I won’t burn sticks of incense: /
You died as unflinchingly as you lived, /
With magnificent defian...
In Memory of Mikhail Bulgakov, by A. S. Kline This I give you, instead of graveyard roses, /
Instead of burning sticks of incense: /
You died as staunchly as you lived, /
With that magnifice...
in german
Anna Achmatowa (deutsch)
M. B. zum Gedenken, Heinz Czechowski Dies schenk ich dir statt Rosen auf dem Grab /
Und statt das Weihrauchfaß zu schwenken: /
Denn keiner hat so streng gelebt wie du /
Und bis zum ...
in spanish
Anna Ajmátova (español)
En memoria de Mijaíl Bulgákov, Olvido García Valdes, Monica Zgustova Esto te ofrezco en vez de rosas mortuorias, /
en vez del humo del incienso: /
tan ceñida tu vida y hasta el fin /
con ese espléndido desdén. /