Dust smells of a sun-ray..., by Donald Michael Thomas Dust smells of a sun-ray, /
Girls’ breaths, — violets hold, /
Freedom clings to the wild honey, /
But there’s no smell to gold.
The mignonette ...
Wild honey has the scent of freedom..., by Jane Kenyon Wild honey has the scent of freedom, /
dust — of a ray of sun, /
a girl's mouth — of a violet, /
and gold —has no perfume.
Watery — the mignone...
Wild honey smells like freedom..., by Judith Hemschemeyer Wild honey smells like freedom, /
Dust — like a ray of sun. /
Like violets — a young maid’s mouth, /
And gold — like nothing. /
The flowers of...
Wild honey the scent of freedom has..., by Ljubov V. Kuchkina Wild honey the scent of freedom has, /
Dust — the sunshine beam, /
Violet — the mouth of a girl, /
And gold — has nothing.
Minionette, the scen...