Beneath this bare home’s frozen roof..., by Andrey Kneller Beneath this bare home’s frozen roof, /
I do not count the deathly days, /
I read Apostles’ texts for truth, /
And Psalmists’ every single phras...
I do not count mortal days..., by Ilya Shambat I do not count mortal days /
Under the roof of a chilled empty building, /
I'm reading the Apostles' words, /
Words of Psalm-singer I am reading...
Under an empty dwelling’s frozen roof..., by Donald Michael Thomas Under an empty dwelling’s frozen roof, /
Dead days. Here no living comes. /
I read the acts of the Apostles /
And the Psalms. /
But the s...
in german
Anna Achmatowa (deutsch)
In der leeren Wohnstatt unter dem frostigen Dach..., Eric Boerner In der leeren Wohnstatt unter dem frostigen Dach /
Zähle ich nicht mehr die Tage, die toten; /
Ich les die Apostelbriefe bedacht, /
Auch des Psa...
in italian
Anna Achmatova (italiano)
Sotto il tetto dell`isba..., Gene Immediato Sotto il tetto dell'isba /
non canto i pallidi giorni, /
leggo le lettere degli apostoli, /
leggo le parole del salmista. /
Ma le stelle si fa...