Night Piece, by Vivian de Sola Pinto I can’t sleep, and there’s no light, /
Mirk all round and restless slumber, /
Tickings near me without number, /
Monotonous clock measur...
Verses Written During a Sleepless Night, by Babette Deutsch and Avrahm Yarmolinsky Sleep I cannot find, nor light: /
Everywhere is dark and slumber, /
Only weary tickings number /
The slow hours of the night. /
Parca, jabberi...
Verses, composed during a sleepless night, by Andrey Kneller I can’t sleep, the light is out; /
Chasing senseless dreams in gloom. /
Clocks at once, inside my room, /
Somewhere next to me, resound. /
in portuguese
Alexandre Pushkin (português)
Versos compostos durante uma noite de insônia, José Casado Tudo é sono e escuridão; /
Não há luz, nem meu ser dorme. /
Perto de mim, uniforme, /
Só o som do carrilhão, /
Da parca o senil gaguejo, /