Three Springs, by Avrahm Yarmolinsky Three springs in life's unbroken joyless desert /
Mysteriously issue from the sands: /
The spring of youth, uneven and rebellious, /
Bears swift...
Three Springs, by Maud F. Jerrold O’er the world’s plain that stretches vastly, sadly, /
Three hidden springs mysteriously flow; /
The fount of youth — a spring that surges madly, ...
Three springs, by Babette Deutsch Three springs in life's immense and joyless desert /
Leap into light from a mysterious source; /
The spring of youth, boiling in bright rebellion,...
in portuguese
Alexandre Pushkin (português)
Na estepe do mundo, triste e infinita..., Nina Guerra, Filipe Guerra Na estepe do mundo, triste e infinita, /
Brotaram em mistério três nascentes: /
A da juventude, célere e rebelde, /
Ferve, corre, mareja e cinti...
in finnish
Aleksandr Puškin (suomi)
Kolme lähdettä, Osku Velho Elämän aromaalla aukealla /
salassa kolme soluu lähdettä. /
Siell’ lähde nuoruuden soi pauhinalla, /
tuo kuohuvainen, vaahdon-välkkyvä. /
Ja r...