As freedom`s sower in the wasteland..., by unknown author Forth went the sower to sow his seeds...
As freedom's sower in the wasteland /
Before the morning star I went; /
From hand immaculate and chasten...
Behold a sower went forth to sow, by Babette Deutsch and Avrahm Yarmolinsky With freedom's seed the desert sowing, /
I walked before the morning star; /
From pure and guiltless fingers throwing— /
Where slavish plows had...
Freedom`s Seed, by A. Z. Foreman With freedom's seed across the land, /
Before the star of morn I passed. /
My uncorrupt and guiltless hand /
Through subjugated furrows cast /
Of desert lands the freedom planter..., by Evgenia Sarkisyants Of desert lands the freedom planter, /
Before the star I rose to sow; /
Into the soil enslaved and scanter /
My pure and guiltless hand would th...
in portuguese
Alexandre Pushkin (português)
Eu semeador, deserto afora..., Boris Schnaiderman, Nelson Ascher O semeador saiu para semear
Eu semeador, deserto afora, /
da liberdade, fui com mão /
pura lançar, antes que a aurora /
nascesse, o grão que re...