They are drinking here again, brawling, sobbing..., by W. S. Merwin They are drinking here again, brawling, sobbing, /
to the amber woes of the accordion. /
They curse their luck and they hark back /
to a Russia ...
They carouse, fight and sob again ‘ere..., by Vyacheslav Chetin They carouse, fight and sob again ‘ere /
To harmonika’s yellowish rues. /
They bad-mouth again their failures, /
Reminiscing the Muscovy Russ.
in german
Sergei Jessenin (deutsch)
Saufen hier wieder, prügeln sich, jammern..., Eric Boerner Saufen hier wieder, prügeln sich, jammern, /
Wo die Harmonika spielt, gelben Frust. /
Hinterbliebenes hat sich versammelt /
Im Angedenken der Mo...