I was torn out of this narrow life..., by Earl D. Sampson I was torn out of this narrow life. /
This meager, ordinary life, /
By your tormenting, wondrous, /
Irresistible beauty.
And I died... and I sa...
The Dark-Blue Star, by Burton Raffel and Alla Burago Your tormenting, wonderful, /
inevitable beauty /
ripped me out of my thin, /
miserable, puling life,
And I died. And I saw /
a flame no one ...
in german
Nikolai Gumiljow (deutsch)
Der blaue Stern, Irmgard Wille Ich ward aus meines Lebens Tagen, /
aus meinem Leben, eng und schlicht, /
in wunderbarer Qual getragen /
empor durch deiner Schönheit Licht.
in lithuanian
Nikolajus Gumiliovas (lietuvių)
Iš to pasaulio nelaimingo..., Antanas Drilinga Iš to pasaulio nelaimingo, /
Kur stingdė kraują liūdesys, /
Mane ištraukė stebuklingas /
Ir keistas tavo žavesys.
Ir numiriau… mačiau, kaip pli...