Marina Tsvetaeva
Marina Tsvetaeva
Poems about Moscow. 2. From my hands — not a hand-created town...
, by
Ilya Shambat
2 From my hands — not a hand-created town, / My gorgeous brother, my strange one. Upon the church — Forty times forty, side by side, / And pigeo...
Verses about Moscow. 2. Strange and beautiful brother — take this...
, by
Elaine Feinstein
2 Strange and beautiful brother — take this / city no hands built — out of my hands! Church by church — all the forty times forty, and / the sma...
in german
Marina Zwetajewa (deutsch)
Gedichte über Moskau. 2. Aus meinen Händen — keine Hand erbaut die Stadt...
Josef Maria Mayer
2 / / Aus meinen Händen — keine Hand erbaut die Stadt, / Mein wunderschöner Bruder, mein seltsamer. Bei den Kirchen — vierzig mal vierzig, neb...