He walked over fields and over village..., by Ilya Shambat He walked over fields and over village, /
And he asked the people from afar: /
"Where is she, where is the happy glimmer /
Of her eyes that seem...
Through villages and fields, he’d go..., by Andrey Kneller Through villages and fields, he’d go, /
Determined, asking passersby: /
“Where has she gone, where is the glow /
Of silver stars that are her ey...
in italian
Anna Achmatova (italiano)
Andava per campi e villaggi..., Gene Immediato Andava per campi e villaggi /
e instancabile chiedeva alla gente: /
— "Dov'è lei, dov'è la gioiosa luce /
delle stelle grigie, il luccichio degl...