Best for me loudly the gaming-poems to say..., by Ilya Shambat Best for me loudly the gaming-poems to say, /
And for you the hoarse harmonica to play!
And having left, hugging, for the night of late, /
Lose a...
Best for me to boisterously yell chastushki out..., by Andrey Kneller Best for me to boisterously yell chastushki out, /
And for you to play the hoarse accordion loud,
And embracing, to go far and to stay out late, / ...
in italian
Anna Achmatova (italiano)
Meglio sarebbe ch`io cantassi briosi stornelli..., Gene Immediato Meglio sarebbe ch'io cantassi briosi stornelli /
e tu suonassi la stridula fisarmonica /
e andando di notte abbracciati per i campi d'avena /