Cleopatra, by A. Wachtel, I. Kutik and M. Denner The mournful waxworks has been open /
For one year, two years, three years now. /
An insolent and drunken crowd, /
We run... The queen is waitin...
Cleopatra, by Andrey Kneller A mournful waxwork exhibition /
Is opened for the third year straight. /
A crowd of drunks awaits admission... /
While in the grave, the queen a...
in portuguese
Aleksandr Blok (português)
Cleópatra, Augusto de Campos O museu triste da rainha /
Há um, dois, três anos já se abriu. /
Bêbada e louca a turba ainda se apinha... /
Ela espera no túmulo sombrio.
Jaz ...