Daniil Kharms
Khaldeyev, Naldeyev, and Peppermaldeyev...

Khaldeyev, Naldeyev, and Peppermaldeyev
One day were seen walking out deep in the woods:
Khaldeyev had a top hat, Naldeyev had gloves on,
and Peppermaldeyev wore a key on his nose.
A falcon above them did skate through the air
in a small squeaky cart with large lofty arc.
Khaldeyev was laughing, Naldeyev was scratching
While Peppermaldeyev kicked the dirt with his heel.
But all of the sudden the air swelled and bulged
and took off for the heavens in a huff and a puff.
Khaldeyev jumped up while Naldeyev bowed down,
while Peppermaldeyev grabbed hold of his key.
But should they be fearful? Well, think for yourselves!
Let's dance, we the wise men, let's dance on the grass:
Khaldeyev with a hatbox, Naldeyev with a watch, and
Peppermaldeyev with a whip up his sleeve.
And once they got started, long did they play there,
until the red roosters awoke in the woods,
Khaldeyev, Naldeyev, and Peppermaldeyev
laughed—ha-ha! laughed—ho-ho! laughed—he-he-he! 

Translated by Bradley Jordan

Даниил Хармс
Халдеев, Налдеев и Пепермалдеев...

Халдеев, Налдеев и Пепермалдеев
однажды гуляли в дремучем лесу:
Халдеев в цилиндре, Налдеев в перчатках,
а Пепермалдеев с ключом на носу.
Над нами по воздуху сокол катался
в скрипучей тележке с высокой дугой.
Халдеев смеялся, Налдеев чесался,
а Пепермалдеев лягался ногой.
Но вдруг неожиданно воздух надулся
и вылетел в небо, горяч и горюч.
Халдеев подпрыгнул, Налдеев согнулся,
а Пепермалдеев схватился за ключ.
Но стоит ли трусить, подумайте сами?
Давай мудрецы танцевать на траве:
Халдеев с картонкой, Налдеев с часами,
а Пепермалдеев с кнутом в рукаве.
И долго, веселые игры затеяв,
пока не проснутся в лесу петухи,
Халдеев, Налдеев и Пепермалдеев
смеялись: ха-ха, хо-хо-хо, хи-хи-хи!

Стихотворение Даниила Хармса «Халдеев, Налдеев и Пепермалдеев...» на английском.
(Daniil Kharms in english).