Not weeks, not months — years..., by Judith Hemschemeyer and A. S. Kline Not weeks, not months — years /
We spent parting. Now at last /
The chill of real freedom, /
And the gray garland above the temples.
No more tr...
Not weeks, not months, — it took us years..., by Andrey Kneller Not weeks, not months, — it took us years /
To separate. And finally, today, /
We feel true freedom’s gentle breeze /
And the wreaths on our hea...
in german
Anna Achmatowa (deutsch)
Bruch, Natalia Putilina I
Nicht nur Wochen und Monate... Auch /
Jahre zog sich die Trennung dahin. /
Nun entfacht der Freiheit Eiseshauch, /
Raureif um die Schlaefen e...