A Captive, by Yuri Menis The dungeon I’m locked in is dingy and stale. /
An eagle who’s handraised to feed by the jail, /
My mate beats his wing in a wistful appeal /
Captive, by Andrey Kneller Trapped behind bars, in dampness I dwell. /
A young-hearted eagle brought up in a cell, /
My dejected companion, under the frame, /
Continues to...
Prisoner, by Alexander Shaumyan I sit in a dungeon with a downcast face /
And see a young eagle in captivity raised, /
While flapping his wing, my companion in woe /
Is tear...
Prisoner, by Yevgeny Bonver I'm sitting by bars in the damp blackened cell — /
The juvenile eagle, who's bred by the jail, /
My mournful friend, with his wings stretching wid...
The Captive, by Irina Zheleznova A captive, alone in a dungeon I dwell, /
Entombed in the stillness and murk of a cell. /
Outside, in the courtyard, in wild, frenzied play, /
The Prisoner, by Rachel Douglas I sit behind bars in the dankest of blocks. /
A captive young eagle, the king of the hawks, /
My sorry companion here, lifting his wings, /
The Prisoner, by Yuri Perseus I sit in a dungeon and gaze through its grate. /
My mirthless companion in merciless fate — /
Young eagle — despondently sits at my feet; /
He f...
in german
Alexander Puschkin (deutsch)
Der Gefangene, Eric Boerner Ich sitz hinter Gittern im Kerker, der feucht, /
Ein Adlerjunges, dem Käfig entfleucht, /
Schlägt mit den Flügeln; mein trauriger Freund /
Der Gefangene, Friedrich Martin von Bodenstedt Ich sitz' hinterm Gitter im feuchten Gemach, /
Ein Adler, ein junger, steht assend am Fach; /
Mein trüber Gefährte, er asst mit Geräusch, /
Er f...
in spanish
Aleksandr Púshkin (español)
El prisionero, Eduardo Alonso Duengo Estoy entre rejas en húmeda celda. /
Criada en cautiverio, un águila joven, /
mi triste compaña, batiendo sus alas, /
junto a la ventana su pita...